Why repair?

We repair to share skills and to reduce waste

Fixing things makes us happy, and it’s great to see the smiles on our visitors’ faces when much-loved items are mended. We hope that developing a repairing culture in our community will enable people to save money and keep using the things they own for longer, while reducing landfill and helping to look after the planet that is our home.

We believe everyone should have the right to repair their possessions. Not only would it make the most sense for the environment, it would also create jobs and answer consumers’ wishes for longer lasting products. 

This is why the Repair Cafe organisation has joined the Right to Repair European campaign! A coalition of more than 90 organisations, from 19 European countries, fighting for longer lasting and more repairable products, and to make repair the norm.

Here’s what some of our volunteers and visitors have to say:-

Facts and figures
You can see how many items we have repaired since January 2024 by finding Chorley Repair Cafe on the Repair Monitor website. We log all the items brought to our repair sessions on this website, so you can see what the most common products, brands and appliances are, plus our success rate compared to other Repair Cafes around the world.